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I never seem to be ready for this month of September. There are reports that have to be completed for church conference, and planning begins for Halloween and Advent. That seems like a contradiction in terms, doesn’t it? School begins, the weather starts cooling down and fall golf means looking extra hard under leaves for golf balls. Mears will be having a new sign installed and Shelby has some decisions to make. Sometimes it seems to be an awful lot of change in a short time.
This month the class that I am taking is on Paul’s epistles to the Romans and the Galatians. Some of my favorite passages are in these two letters that Paul wrote to two completely different groups of people. The Roman church was concerned about what membership as a Christian looked like. The Galatians were having some serious troubles because other people made them doubt the gospel message. Groups of well-intentioned persons believed that the only way to be a follower of Christ was to follow Judaic laws. Yet, Paul was called to be the apostle to the Gentiles – the outsiders. Those first Jewish Christians had a seriously difficult time reconciling with the way that things had always been done before with the new covenant of Christ.
No matter what, please stay focused on Jesus, when the leaves change colors, when the cooler winds blow, and when changes that need to be made happen. Everything will be as God has ordained it to happen. Remember the words of John Wesley, “Best of all, God is with us.”
Pastor Bev Williams
Mears & Shelby UMC
Cell Phone 269-438-1552
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