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Every November I can hear the words of Irving Berlin sung by Bing Crosby, “I’ve got plenty to be thankful for” from the Christmas class movie Holiday Inn. It’s a good time to start the Thirty Days of Thankfulness for this year! I think that it kind of aligns with Wesley’s three simple rules: “Do no harm, Do good, Stay in love with God. It’s more than just a saying, it’s something that we need to put into action. It’s a good way to start an attitude of gratitude leading up to the holidays when everyone is stressed to the max.
Here’s how 30 Days of Thankfulness works. If you are on social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc. post one simple thing that you are thankful for. Some people list a person that they are thankful for. Some people like to express thankfulness for colors, smells, sights and sounds. If you’re not online don’t be discouraged. You can write down one thing that you’re thankful for in a journal, a calendar or even your daily planner. Just as God’s faithfulness is “new every morning”, so let our gratefulness be the same.
Pastor Bev Williams
Mears & Shelby UMC
Cell Phone 269-438-1552
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