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This year sure has flown by and I would like to take this opportunity to give a bit of a recap. This year, as most of you know, our family had three weddings. I also performed a wedding at the Heritage Wedding Barn for a lovely couple that spends weekends in Pentwater however live in Kalamazoo. It was really beautiful.
I would also like to acknowledge the passing of the following saints: Larry Draper, Cathy Robbins, Kent Coleson, Barbara Willick, Judson “Bud” Abbott (in December of last year), Kay Aebig, Gail Irey and Ray Ludwig. Please continue to keep their families in prayer.
As most of you are well aware, the Shelby UMC will have its final service as a UMC church in its current location on Sunday, December 29, 2024. This church body has adopted the new name of the First Methodist Church of Shelby, and is trying to work out arrangements to continue meeting as a church body. There are a couple of buyers interested in the building and we are hoping that they will lease the sanctuary space to the FMCS church so that it may continue. The official membership records of Shelby UMC will be transferred to Mears UMC for permanent storage. Those members who might wish to transfer their membership to Mears need to let me know. Membership will NOT be automatically transferred to Mears UMC.
As of January 1st I will be the pastor of the Mears UMC church full time. In 2025 the Administrative Team might want to change the service time. We will keep you apprised of any service time changes. We will also be having Bible studies either right before church or after fellowship time on Sunday mornings. Again, we will keep you apprised. We will more than likely start Bible study for Lent (begins March 9, 2025) and then continue meeting on a weekly basis. I will still be available for pastoral care for FMCOS church for interim care, but I will no longer have office hours in Shelby as of January 1st. Instead I will be in the community every Thursday in Mears.
So many changes and I know that it’s going to be difficult, especially as things change for Shelby UMC. However, I am always encouraged by the words of St Julian of Norwich, “All is well and all will be well”. Things may become different, but the grace of Jesus Christ is the same and always eternal.
Merry Christmas,
Pastor Bev Williams
Mears & Shelby UMC
Cell Phone 269-438-1552
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